Our Work
Hyssos is working with its customers and partners to create multimodal solutions where STP capabilities can shine.
STP for ArcGIS Pro
We have built a standalone planning workstation with STP as an add-in to ArcGIS Pro.
We built a bridge from STP to the Norwegian Defense Simulator (SWAP) using the C2Sim SISO standard.
STP for Sword with C2Sim connector
We collaborated with MASA to use STPs advanced AI planning system and its C2Sim export capabilities to seamlessly provide simulation capable data files to Masa Sword Simulator for near real time planning and simulation wargaming.
STP for VR Forces with C2Sim
Hyssos, working with MAK Technologies, SISO and the NATO Modeling and Simulation Group, has built and demonstrated a, first of its kind, single button push from planning system to constructive simulator capability from STP to VRF.
Hyssos Tech and SSCI performed a live demonstration of our multimodal human machine interface, enabling speech and sketch for command and control of SSCI's autonomous platform which is embedded in a UAV sending system data feeds to ATAK.
C2Sim working group
Hyssos is leading the charge for commercial use of the C2Sim standard for interchange files between simulators and C2 systems. STP provides a single button push to create these files, providing sufficiently detailed planning information needed by these systems to instantly run constructive simulators that are C2Sim compliant.
Hyssos and AOS Group explored research around Human/Machine Teaming using STP multimodal capabilities with AOS Groups C-BDI (Belief/Desire/Intent) AI capabilities to interact with and control autonomous robots.